Romance Author


Just because…

…I like this quote. And it’s so very true. You do have to do this sometimes. The world wants so much, takes so much, demands so much. And you give, give, give to everyone. But it’s okay to focus on you, take time for you, reconnect with you, put you first.


“And every day, the world will drag you by the hand, yelling, “This is important! And this is important! And this is important! You need to worry about this! And this! And this!” And each day, it’s up to you to yank your hand back, put it on your heart and say, “No. This is what’s important.” 

― Iain Thomas

Summer is finally here!

I took this photo at the end of May. Miss Tess – that’s my horse – is so happy to have fresh green grass instead of winter hay. Yum! Yum! It’s back to grazing all day with tail swishing, ears twitching, feet stomping away various insects, feeling the delicious warmth on her back, the cool breeze lifting her mane off her sleek neck. Peaceful. Content. Beautiful. Mindful. Ah, the life of a horse…


Minnesota Museum Month

Did you know that May is Minnesota Museum Month? Minnesota has some fabulous museums.

Check them out @

My favorite? Hmmm, well, I love historical museums. LOVE Glensheen Mansion in Duluth, James J. Hill House in St. Paul and the Minnesota History Center in St. Paul.

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Once Upon a Time on May Day…

…we used to deliver May Day Baskets and receive them. My mom would buy paper Dixie cups and colored pipe cleaners for  handles and we would fill the small baskets with popcorn and candy (a favorite was M&Ms) and then we’d deliver them to family and friends. You’d knock on the door and run away. They were left anonymously. That was so much fun. I don’t think anyone does that anymore. That’s a shame. A pretty basket – with flowers or candy – can brighten someone’s day and let them know they’re thought of. May Day was a couple days ago. I wish I would’ve delivered May Baskets. Maybe I will next year. I did find some pretty photos of baskets. Aren’t they beautiful? They’d brighten my day!!!

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Photo 1:

Photo 2:

Photo 3:

Other stuff I do…

In addition to being a writer and editor, I’m an historian (just completed my certificate in historic preservation). Check out the fantastic article done by Melissa Vander Plas of the Bluff Country Newspaper Group. It’s about an oral history project I started in my hometown.

Write a review on Amazon!


After you read Pandora’s Passion please post a review on Amazon and Barnes & Noble. The more reviews I get the better exposure for my book(s)!!

(You can also choose to follow me on Amazon. I now have an author page).


It’s been 24 hours since…

…I heard the news about Prince. He was an incredible talent and gifted artist and I enjoy many of his songs, but the reason I’m a Prince fan has nothing to do with his music. I loved the fact he continued to reside in his home state of Minnesota (mine, too), despite his fame and fortune and the ability to live anywhere he wanted. He also gave back over and over again to his hometown community. A class act. Thank you, Prince, for being a loyal Minnesotan. Minnesota loves you.

Listening today to The Very Best of Prince…

Prince_Greatest                              Prince2

Pandora’s Passion is available!!!!!

Don’t forget to purchase Pandora’s Passion!


Barnes & Noble:

Smashwords (has PDF available):


It’s National Library Week

I love libraries. What a wonderful invention!

Did you know it’s National Library Week?

Stop by your local library and check out some good reads! Libraries aren’t just about books, movies and CDs. They have weekly events for children and adults, offer community resources, and host a variety of informative classes. I just took one recently focused on grants for the individual.



April 10-16

Support your library!