Romance Author

Love the Fourth of July

I’m very patriotic. I love my country. My favorite holiday is the Fourth of July. I sing the words to the Star-Spangled Banner whenever it plays. I tear up every time I read the Declaration of Independence. My favorite biography is John Adams by David McCullough. My two favorite historical books are 1776 by David McCullough and April 1865 by Jay Wink. What the United States of America accomplished during the Revolutionary War was amazing, incredible and its victory shouldn’t have happened, but it did and I’m thankful for it every day. My country is not perfect, but there is no perfection in this world, only the ongoing universal struggle for “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”

My Fourth of July involved a classic small-town celebration with bratwursts, a parade, music in the park and fireworks. Loved it!

I also visited the Minnesota Marine Art Museum over the holiday weekend. It’s located in Winona, Minn. Beautiful paintings, including Washington Crossing the Delaware by Emanuel Leutze. I’ve posted this before but it’s such an iconic painting I have to post it again!


Celebrating Our Nation’s Independence Every Day!


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